yesterday's tennessee

Yesterday's Tennessee
People of Action - 1969

From Lillye Younger, People of Action (Brewer Printing Company, Jackson, Tennessee, n.d.).  Special thanks to Constance Collett and the estate of the late Lillye Younger for permission to make this web page.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Duck

Mr. And Mrs. Duck Honored On Golden Wedding Date

PARSONS, Tenn. — Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Duck were honored on their golden wedding anniversary with open house by their daughters and sons. Mrs. E. B. Fernstrum, Mrs. D. C. Crawford II, Billy C. Duck, and Robert J. Duck.

In the receiving line were the honored couple and their daughters and sons. Mrs. Roy Duck was radiant in a sheath fashioned of slate blue wool. She pinned a yellow Fugi mum corsage at her shoulder. Mrs. Fernstrum chose a rose double knit two piece suit, and Mrs. Crawford was attired in a brown sheath complimented with a gold scarf at the neckline. Each pinned a corsage of yellow mums at her shoulder.

Miss Pamelo Jo Fernstrum, granddaughter of the couple kept the guest register.

The reception rooms were decorated with lovely gift arrangements of gold chrysanthemums in attractive containers.

Gifts were placed in the bedroom for the guests to view.

Refreshments were served from a table overlaid with an imported hand embroidered baby blue cloth overlaid with a white lace cloth. An arrangement of assorted and Fugi mums in a silver epergne graced the center of the table and silver candelabra holding burning gold tapers were on each side. At one end of the table was a silver and crystal punch bowl.

White cake squares decorated with spun sugar wedding bells, golden punch, nuts and mints in the shape of wedding bells were served.

Artistic white napkins with the gold letters, "Roy and Jewell," added beauty to the table. Assisting in serving the refreshments were Mrs. Robert J. Duck and Mrs. Barny Austin.

Out-of-town guests and relatives attending were E. M. Duck of Texas City, Tex.; Grady C. Duck, Texarkansas Tex.; A. D. Duck, Green Cove, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmeyer, Huntsville, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Master, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Master, Lesa, and Rosemary, Pinson, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eberhart and children, Columbia, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Sammy McIllwain and David, Nashville.

Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Young and Ronny of New Albany, Miss.; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Black and Jerry, Morehead, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Jolly and Mark, Beaver Dam, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Duck, Sardis, Tenn.; Dr. James Ray Jordan and David, Linden, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Bedfored Keeton, Bath Springs, Tenn.; Mrs. W. K. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Rogers, Centerville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Austin, Memphis.

Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Attaway, Bath Springs Tenn.; Mr and Mrs Sam L Duck, Scotts Hill, Tenn.; Mr and Mrs. John Stanfill and Juanita, Decaturville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. E. W. G.oodloe, Miss Dorothy Moore, Dancyville, Tenn., Mrs. J. S. Ray, Somerville, Tenn.; Mrs. Robert Clark, Dancyville; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crawford II, Memphis; John Duck, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Barney Austin and Karen, Memphis, D. C. Crawford II, Craig and Bill of Dancyville; and Edward B. Fernstrum and Butch from New Albany, Miss.

Close to 175 guests called between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m.

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